Papo Fantasy Horse
Papo Red Prince Philip
Papo Red Prince Philip Horse
Papo Blue Prince Philip Horse
Papo Blue Prince Philip
Papo Knight in Black Armour
Papo Knight in Black Armour Horse
Papo Red Lancelot
Papo Red King Richard
Papo Red King Richard Horse
Papo Blue King Richard Horse
Papo Crested Blue Knight
Papo Templar Knight
Papo Crossbowman Red
Papo Knight with Throwing Spear
Papo Knights Horse with Lance Blue
Papo Knight with Blue Lance
Papo Blue Knight Fleur de Lys
Papo Knights Horse with Lance Red
Papo Knight with Red Lance
Papo White Horse Fleur de Lys
Papo White Knight Fleur de Lys
Papo Dragon King with Bow & Arrow
Papo Lancelot Knight
Papo King Arthur
Papo Knight with Mace
Papo Knight of Malta
Papo Hospitaller Knight with Sword
Papo Robert the Bruce
Papo William Wallace