Schleich Bichon Frise
Schleich Bichon Frise
Schleich model: 13963
Product Dimensions: 4.4 x 1.8 x 3.7 cm
Age: 3 years and up
NZ release date: April 2023
The Bichon Frise (pronounced BEE-shawn FREE-say; the plural is Bichons Frises) is a cheerful, small dog breed with a love of mischief and a lot of love to give. With their black eyes and fluffy white coat, the Bichon looks almost like a child’s toy.
The cute Bichon Frisé has what it takes to be a regal salon lion with its thick curly mane. But it also likes to romp across the meadow and chase balls. You can’t help loving this cute cotton ball on four legs. Especially when it happily curls up on your lap to enjoy a few cuddles. Who wouldn’t want to snuggle with this curly bundle of fun?
Hand painted and highly detailed.
Made of durable vinyl.
Manufactured from a high quality, non-toxic PVC that passes the quality standards for the Australian/NZ toy industry as well as that of USA.