Schleich Niffler with Gold
Schleich Niffler with Gold
Schleich model: 14905
Product Dimensions:
Age: 6 years and up
Released in NZ: 2025
The Niffler was a magical beast with a long snout and a coat of black, fluffy fur. They were attracted to shiny things, which made them wonderful for locating treasure, but that also meant that they could wreak havoc if kept (or let loose) indoors. Nifflers in general were usually harmless.
Students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry learnt about Nifflers in Care of Magical Creatures class, an elective that could be chosen in the third year of their education.
Hand painted and highly detailed.
Made of durable vinyl.
Manufactured from a high quality, non-toxic PVC that passes the quality standards for the Australian/NZ toy industry as well as that of USA.